Top "Strong-typing" questions

A typing system that enforces restrictions on which operations or methods may be called on an object based on type.

Compile Time Reflection in C#

I frequently write C# code that has to use magic strings to express property names. Everyone knows the problems with …

c# .net compile-time strong-typing magic-string
Strongly typed datasets vs. weakly typed datasets

What is meant by strongly typed datasets in .Net? Can anybody explain with a clear and brief example? And also, …

c# visual-studio-2008 dataset strong-typing weak-typing
If Java is Strongly typed then why does this code compile?

My understanding of strongly typed was that the language wouldn't make implicit type conversions. However, this code converts the char …

java types casting strong-typing weak-typing
Is PowerShell a strongly-typed language?

PowerShell is definitely in the category of dynamic languages, but would it be considered strongly typed?

powershell strong-typing
Strongly typing props of vue components using composition api and typescript typing system

I am using vue composition api with typescript. How can I strongly type the component props using typescript typing system?

typescript vue.js strong-typing vue-composition-api
Initializing strongly typed objects in LINQ to Entities

I have a plain old CLR object which is essentially a wrapper for two entity framework objects, I'm doing this …

linq entity-framework linq-to-entities strong-typing
.NET Table Adapters: Get vs. Fill?

I always seem to use Get when working with data (strongly typed or otherwise) from the database and I have …

.net database dataset strong-typing
Are scalar and strict types in PHP7 a performance enhancing feature?

Since PHP7 we can now use scalar typehint and ask for strict types on a per-file basis. Are there any …

php performance types strong-typing php-7
Type limitation in loop variables in Java, C and C++

Why Java, C and C++ (maybe other languages also) do not allow more than one type on for-loop variables? For …

java c++ for-loop scope strong-typing
ASP.NET MVC Two Way Data Binding of Model to Radio Button List using Typed Model

I have a mvc view made up of a matrix of radio buttons. Each row of radio buttons is in … data-binding strong-typing