I need to add an additional field to my custom form, I want to add the name of the credit card.
I tried in the following way:
var cardNameElement = elements.create('cardName', {
style: style
//, placeholder: 'Custom card number placeholder',
<div id="card-name-element" class="field"></div>
But this does not work, in its documentation only allows to perform these procedures validating only four elements or data: cardNumber, cardExpiry, cardCvc, postalCode.
How can I add the name of the credit card and validate it using stripe.js
My code:
What I want to do:
Elements does not support collecting the cardholder's name at the moment. It focuses on collecting:
If you want to collect the cardholder's name you have to build your own field for the name and submit it to the API during token creation:
var card_name = document.getElementById('card_name').value;
stripe.createToken(card, {name: card_name}).then(setOutcome);
You can see a live example on jsfiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/7w2vnyb5/