Suppose a user wants to cancel their subscription, so I issue a command like this:
stripe_subscription.delete(at_period_end: true)
Later, though—before the period ends—the user changes their mind. Is there a call I can issue to undo the scheduled cancellation?
If not, what's the best way to implement this? My best guess looks like this:
new_subscription = stripe_customer.subscriptions.create(plan:, trial_end: stripe_subscription.current_period_end)
stripe_subscription.delete() # if permitted
self.stripe_subscription = new_subscription
Is there something better I can do?
If the subscription is still active, you just have to update the current subscription and pass the plan id once again and it would resume the subscription.
In PHP you would do:
$customer = Stripe_Customer::retrieve("cus_XXX");
$subscription = $customer->subscriptions->retrieve("sub_YYY");
$subscription->plan = "myPlanId";
This is covered in one of Stripe's support article in more details here.