Top "Stringbuilder" questions

Stringbuilder is a class that provides a convenient and efficient way of working with text data in Java and .NET framework.

StringBuilder.Append Vs StringBuilder.AppendFormat

I was wondering about StringBuilder and I've got a question that I was hoping the community would be able to …

c# string stringbuilder
How to check if a StringBuilder is empty?

I must unit test a method that takes a StringBuilder, two items, and fill the StringBuilder with the discrepancies found …

c# conditional-statements stringbuilder
StringBuilder for PHP

Has someone made a StringBuilder implementation in PHP?

php stringbuilder
How to append two stringBuilders?

Is there a way to append two string builders? And if so - does it perform better than appending a …

c# stringbuilder
Why StringJoiner when we already have StringBuilder?

I recently encountered with a Java 8 class StringJoiner which adds the String using the delimiters and adds prefix and suffix …

java string java-8 stringbuilder
Java: String concat vs StringBuilder - optimised, so what should I do?

In this answer, it says (implies) that String concatenation is optimised into StringBuilder operations anyway, so when I write my …

java string append concatenation stringbuilder
Why StringBuilder when there is String?

I just encountered StringBuilder for the first time and was surprised since Java already has a very powerful String class …

java string stringbuilder
Read all ini file values with GetPrivateProfileString

I need a way to read all sections/keys of ini file in a StringBuilder variable: [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private …

c# stringbuilder ini
StringBuilder capacity()

I noticed that the capacity method returns StringBuilder capacity without a logic way ... sometime its value is equals to the …

java stringbuilder capacity
When to use StringBuilder?

I understand the benefits of StringBuilder. But if I want to concatenate 2 strings, then I assume that it is better (…

c# stringbuilder