How to filter items inside “ngFor” loop, based on object property string

gundra picture gundra · Nov 19, 2016 · Viewed 35.8k times · Source

I need to filter items inside an ngFor loop, by changing the category in a drop-down list. Therefore, when a particular category is selected from the list, it should only list the items containing that same category.

HTML Template:

  <option *ngFor="let model of models">{{model.category}}</option>

<ul class="models">
  <li *ngFor="let model of models" (click)="gotoDetail(model)">
  <img [src]="model.image"/>

Items Array:

export var MODELS: Model[] = [
{ id: 1, 
  name: 'Model 1', 
  image: 'img1', 
  category: 'Cat1', 

{ id: 2, 
  name: 'Model 2', 
  image: 'img2', 
  category: 'Cat3',

{ id: 3, 
  name: 'Model 3', 
  image: 'img3', 
  category: 'Cat1',
{ id: 4, 
  name: 'Model 4', 
  image: 'img4', 
  category: 'Cat4',


Also, the drop-down list contains repeated category names. It is necessary for it to list only unique categories (strings).

I know that creating a custom pipe would be the right way to do this, but I don't know how to write one.



Meir picture Meir · Nov 19, 2016

Here is a sample pipe:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

    name: 'matchesCategory'
export class MathcesCategoryPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(items: Array<any>, category: string): Array<any> {
        return items.filter(item => item.category === category);

To use it:

<li *ngFor="let model; of models | matchesCategory:model.category" (click)="gotoDetail(model)">

===== for the plunkr example ====

You need your select changes to reflect in some variable

First define in your class a member:

selectedCategory: string;

then update your template:

<select (change)="selectedCategory = $">
   <option *ngFor="let model of models ">{{model.category}}</option>

last, use the pipe:

  <li *ngFor="let model; of models | matchesCategory:selectedCategory" (click)="gotoDetail(model)">

==== comments after seeing the plunker ====

I noticed you used promise. Angular2 is more rxjs oriented. So the first thing I'd change is in your service, replace:

getModels(): Promise<Model[]> {
  return Promise.resolve(MODELS);


getModels(): Observable<Array<Model>> {
  return Promise.resolve(MODELS);


getModels(id: number): Observable<Model> {
  return getModels().map(models => models.find( === id);

then in your ModelsComponent

models$: Observable<Array<Model>> = svc.getModels();
uniqueCategories$: Observable<Array<Model>> = this.models$
  .map(models => => model.category)
  .map(categories => Array.from(new Set(categories)));

Your options will become:

     <option *ngFor="let category; of uniqueCategories$ | async">{{model.category}}</option>

and your list:

      <li *ngFor="let model; of models$ | async | matchesCategory:selectedCategory" (click)="gotoDetail(model)">

This is a very drafty solution since you have many duplicates and you keep querying the service. Take this as a starting point and query the service only once, then derive specific values from the result you got.

If you'd like to keep you code, just implement a UniqueValuesPipe, its transform will get a single parameter and filter it to return unique categories using the Array.from(new Set(...)). You will need though to map it to strings (categories) first.