Top "String-interpolation" questions

String interpolation is the replacement of defined character sequences in a string by given values.

How to use escape characters with string interpolation in C# 6?

I've been using string interpolation and loving it, however I have an issue where I am trying to include a …

c# .net string-interpolation
How to replace string in angular 2?

I have used with below interpolation in html page. <div>{{config.CompanyAddress.replace('\n','<br /&…

javascript angular string-interpolation
How to use the ternary operator inside an interpolated string?

I'm confused as to why this code won't compile: var result = $"{fieldName}{isDescending ? " desc" : string.Empty}"; If I split it …

c# .net ternary-operator string-interpolation c#-6.0
Python 3 returns "invalid syntax" when trying to perform string interpolation

I have recently been learning python 3 and I cannot get any examples involving string interpolation (formatting) to work. In [1]: state = "…

python python-3.x ubuntu-16.04 string-interpolation
How do I interpolate strings?

I want to do the following in C# (coming from a Python background): strVar = "stack" mystr = "This is %soverflow" % (strVar) …

c# string string-interpolation
Multiline C# interpolated string literal

C# 6 brings compiler support for interpolated string literals with syntax: var person = new { Name = "Bob" }; string s = $"Hello, {person.Name}."; …

c# .net string multiline string-interpolation
Python string interpolation using dictionary and strings

Given: dict = {"path": "/var/blah"} curr = "1.1" prev = "1.0" What's the best/shortest way to interpolate the string to generate the following: …

python string string-interpolation
How to solve "String interpolation produces a debug description for an optional value; did you mean to make this explicit?" in Xcode 8.3 beta?

Since beta 8.3, zillions warnings "String interpolation produces a debug description for an optional value; did you mean to make this …

swift swift3 optional string-interpolation
String interpolation doesn't work with .NET Framework 4.6

I just installed the .NET Framework 4.6 on my machine and then created a ConsoleApplication targeting .NET Framework 4.6 with Visual Studio 2013. …

c# .net visual-studio string-interpolation
Why does string interpolation work in Ruby when there are no curly braces?

The proper way to use string interpolation in Ruby is as follows: name = "Ned Stark" puts "Hello there, #{name}" #=> "…

ruby string-interpolation