Top "String-comparison" questions

string-comparison is the action of comparing strings, resulting in a boolean or an integer indicating the "distance" between the strings.

What effects does using a binary collation have?

While answering this question, I became uncertain about something that I didn't manage to find a sufficient answer to. What …

mysql database binary string-comparison collation
Similarity scores based on string comparison in R (edit distance)

I am trying to assign similarity score based on comparison between 2 strings. Is there a function for the same in …

r string-comparison edit-distance
Could string comparisons really differ based on culture when the string is guaranteed not to change?

I'm reading encrypted credentials/connection strings from a config file. Resharper tells me, "String.IndexOf(string) is culture-specific here" on …

c# resharper configuration-files cultureinfo string-comparison
Python: Why does ("hello" is "hello") evaluate as True?

Why does "hello" is "hello" produce True in Python? I read the following here: If two string literals are equal, …

python identity string-comparison object-comparison
Difference of stricmp and _stricmp in Visual Studio?

I may asking a stupid question, but I really can't find an answer with google plus I am still a …

c++ case-sensitive string-comparison case-insensitive
Optimized strcmp implementation

This function was found here. It's an implementation of strcmp: int strcmp(const char* s1, const char* s2) { while (*s1 &…

c string-comparison strcmp
cmake string token inclusion check

In cmake, how can I check if a string token is included in another string? In my case, I would …

string cmake string-comparison
Best machine learning technique for matching product strings

Here's a puzzle... I have two databases of the same 50000+ electronic products and I want to match products in one …

machine-learning pattern-matching string-comparison levenshtein-distance
C#: Confusion about ToUpper() and ToLower()

if I do something like this... String myVar = "in"; if(myVar.ToUpper() == "in") { //do something } This is not going to …

c# string-comparison
How do I convert between a measure of similarity and a measure of difference (distance)?

Is there a general way to convert between a measure of similarity and a measure of distance? Consider a similarity …

metrics string-comparison levenshtein-distance