Top "Stretch" questions

Stretching images in code.

Scale an image to maximally fit available space and center it

I am building a single page application. In one of the views I want to show an image which must …

css stretch
Make HTML input stretch to fill space in container

There is a <div id="MyDiv"> element which is resized depending on page width. It contains <input&…

css html stretch
Make child div take max height

I'm trying to make the .box-content div take the max height there is left inside boxA/boxB div. I got …

html css height stretch
iPhone image stretching (skew)

How do I skew an image? For example, each corner has a CGPoint with coords - p1, p2, p3, p4. …

iphone image transform stretch
Image stretched and centered?

I have the following XAML code : <Image Source="a.jpg" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Stretch="Uniform"/> and I, …

wpf xaml stretch
Why FontStretch does not work in WPF?

I am trying setting FontStretch property on a TextBlock in WPF but it seems that it does not work. I …

.net wpf fonts stretch
How do I make a StringGrid's columns fit the grid's width?

I've been looking for a long time for a solution without any luck. Does anyone know a simple way to …

delphi grid width stretch
Resizing and stretching a NumPy array

I am working in Python and I have a NumPy array like this: [1,5,9] [2,7,3] [8,4,6] How do I stretch it to something …

python arrays resize numpy stretch
Flexbox: How to Combine percent, pixels and remaining height on columns?

I'm building basic grid system and need to combine height of flex-items described in different size units, which are %, px …

css height flexbox stretch
image background - how to repeat image as background rather than stretch it

I have an image I want to use as a background to some layout. the problem is the image contains …

android image background repeat stretch