Top "Streamreader" questions

StreamReader is a C# class designed for character input in a particular encoding, it can be used for reading lines of information from a standard text file.

search text file using c# and display the line number and the complete line that contains the search keyword

I require help to search a text file (log file) using c# and display the line number and the complete …

c# command-line text streamreader line-numbers
StreamReader vs BinaryReader?

Both StreamReader and BinaryReader can be used to get data from binary file ( for example ) BinaryReader : using (FileStream fs = File.…

c# .net file streamreader binaryreader
Will a using clause close this stream?

I've apparently worked myself into a bad coding habit. Here is an example of the code I've been writing: using(…

c# filestream dispose streamreader
StreamReader and seeking

can you use streamreader to read a normal textfile and then in the middle of reading close the streamreader after …

c# streamreader
simultaneous read-write a file in C#

I have a file containing data that I'd like to monitor changes to, as well as add changes of my …

c# filestream streamreader streamwriter
StreamReader from MemoryStream UTF8 Encoding

I want to open a XML file (from an zip archive) in a MemoryStream and create a StreamReader form this …

c# streamreader memorystream
C# - StreamReader.ReadLine does not work properly!

Simply I have been trying to implement what BufferedStreamReader does in Java. I have a socket stream open and just …

c# .net readline streamreader bufferedstream
C# Read webpage content Streamreader

I need to read the content of a webpage in streamreader like <test> <sample&…

c# url web streamreader
StreamReader complains that file does not exist, but it does

I have an application that is localized for use across Europe. I have a menu option that loads a file …

c# localization streamreader filenotfoundexception