Top "Storyboard" questions

A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.

iOs Segue animation left to right (horizontal)

I'm nearly a newbie to Xcode 4. There's a way to add to a segue a custom transition animation that it …

ios cocoa-touch storyboard transition uistoryboardsegue
What are Anchor and Passthrough used for in popover segues?

In Xcode, a Popover segue has two connection fields named Anchor and Passthrough. What are they used for?

ios xcode storyboard segue
Combine static and prototype content in a table view

Is there a way to combine static tableview cells (static content) with dynamic tableview cells (prototype content) using storyboard?

iphone ios uitableview storyboard
Auto Layout and "Hide bottom bar when pushed"

My app's (simplified) structure is this: UITabBarController with one UINavigationController holding a UITableViewController as root view controller. when tapping one …

ios objective-c storyboard uitabbarcontroller autolayout
What does the "Couldn't compile connection:" error mean?

I'm getting the following error from Xcode: Couldn't compile connection: <IBCocoaTouchOutletConnection:0x401538380 <IBProxyObject: 0x40154a260> => categoryPicker =&…

objective-c ios xcode compiler-errors storyboard
Use storyboards in a project which has .xib files- iPhone

I want to use generally the old .xib files in my iPhone application. But when it comes to tableViewController storyboard …

iphone ios cocoa storyboard xib
iOS 5: Positioning Bar Button Item in a toolbar with Xcode/Storyboard

I have an existing toolbar in my View... when I drag a "Bar Button Item" into the tool bar it …

xcode ios5 storyboard uibarbuttonitem uitoolbar
WatchKit: unable to find interface controller class

I tried adding an interface controller to a storyboard, setting its Custom Class to a WKInterfaceController subclass, launched the app …

ios storyboard watchkit
Xcode 9 Storyboard: an internal error occurred. editing functionality may be limited

When I am opening my project in Xcode 9, getting above error for Storyboard and Launchscreen. Note: Cleaning derived data didn't …

ios storyboard xcode9
Is there any way to use storyboard and SwiftUI in same iOS Xcode project?

As Swift 5 introduces the SwiftUI framework for creating the views, but we are currently using the storyboard for UI design. …

xcode storyboard swiftui