Top "Stored-procedures" questions

A subroutine available to applications accessing a relational database system.

C# SQL Server - Passing a list to a stored procedure

I am calling a SQL Server stored procedure from my C# code: using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connstring)) { conn.Open(); …

c# sql stored-procedures
What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?

If I need to copy a stored procedure (SP) from one SQL Server to another I right click on the …

sql-server tsql stored-procedures ssms
Escape a string in SQL Server so that it is safe to use in LIKE expression

How do I escape a string in SQL Server's stored procedure so that it is safe to use in LIKE …

sql-server tsql stored-procedures sql-like
How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

I have some SQL code that needs to be executed if a certain View exists in a database. How would …

sql sql-server database stored-procedures view
How do you debug MySQL stored procedures?

My current process for debugging stored procedures is very simple. I create a table called "debug" where I insert variable …

mysql database debugging stored-procedures
Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened. Operating System Error Code 3

I'm trying to set up a Stored Procedure as a SQL Server Agent Job and it's giving me the following …

sql-server stored-procedures samba sql-server-agent bulk-load
T-SQL get SELECTed value of stored procedure

In T-SQL, this is allowed: DECLARE @SelectedValue int SELECT @SelectedValue = MyIntField FROM MyTable WHERE MyPrimaryKeyField = 1 So, it's possible to get …

tsql stored-procedures select
How to call a MySQL stored procedure from within PHP code?

I have stored procedure that I created in MySQL and want PHP to call that stored procedure. What is the …

php mysql stored-procedures mysqli user-defined-functions
How to use a DataAdapter with stored procedure and parameter

I want to fill a DataGridView control using DataAdapter. But I don't know how to do it since I'm using …

c# stored-procedures dataadapter
Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied

I'm getting the error when accessing a Stored Procedure in SQL Server Server Error in '/' Application. Procedure or …

.net sql-server stored-procedures