I have a stored procedure which returns back a table value.
Here is my stored procedure:
PROCEDURE [GetPermitPendingApproval]
@permitYear int = NULL,
FROM [SciCollUser] u
INNER JOIN UserPermit up ON up.[UserID] = u.[ID]
INNER JOIN Permit p ON p.[ID] = [up].[PermitID]
WHERE (@permitYear IS NULL OR p.PermitYear = @permitYear)
ORDER BY [p].[ApplicationDate] ASC;
I am not sure whether we have such a way to use PetaPoco to execute a stored procedure and get a returned data as a table? Please help!
As normally I can execute a stored procedure with the follow script but it is not the way I want.
db.Execute("EXEC GetPermitPendingApproval @permitYear=2013");
You need to put a semicolon before EXEC.
var result = db.Fetch<dynamic>(";EXEC GetPermitPendingApproval @@permitYear = @0", 2013);