Steam API all games

Ankomm picture Ankomm · Sep 20, 2017 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

I've been reading forums and trying Steam APIs, I'm searching for an API which provides all Steam Games.

I found the API providing all SteamApps, and the Steam Store API which provides information for Apps (I'm looking for the type: 'game'), but for this, I need to call the store API once for each SteamApp... And the Store API is limited to 200 calls every 5 minutes! Is it the only solution?


All Apps API :

App details API :{APP_ID}


Angry 84 picture Angry 84 · Mar 25, 2019

A common method here is to cache the results.

So for example, if your using something like PHP to query the results, you would do something like json_encode and json_decode with an array / object to hold the last results.

You can get fancy depending on what you want, but basically you'll need to cache and then perform an update of the oldest.