Standard input (stdin, file descriptor 0) is the input stream to a program.
I have the following simple code: import*; class IO { public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedReader stdIn = new …
java stdin readline ioexceptionI'm looking to process a text file with node using a command line call like: node app.js < input.…
node.js stdinIs there a way to effectively do this in bash: /my/bash/script < echo 'This string will be sent …
bash redirect stdin io-redirectionWhat are the possible ways for reading user input using read() system call in Unix. How can we read from …
c unix stdinWhat is the slickest way to programatically read from stdin or an input file (if provided) in Perl?
perl stdinI have a function that executes the following (among other things): userinput = stdin.readline() betAmount = int(userinput) Is supposed to …
python python-3.x stdinIs it possible to compress (create a compressed archive) data while reading from stdin on Linux?
linux stdin compressionI'm trying to write a Python script that starts a subprocess, and writes to the subprocess stdin. I'd also like …
python subprocess stdin nukeIs it possible to listen for incoming keystrokes in a running nodejs script? If I use process.openStdin() and listen …
input node.js stdin