I have a range of numbers in a1:80. I want to count the total number of values in a1:a80 that fall between X and Y e.g.
Value X = 30000 value Y = 35000
cell a1 = 34000 cell a42 = 33000
Goal: The formula will tell me that there are 2(two) instances in a1:a80 that have a value between X and Y.
I've tried a variety of combos as below:
=IF(OR(">="&V3,"<="&W3),"there are COUNT(1)","there are COUNT(0)")
Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKKmlSENNLM
and here's the spreadsheet: https://plus.google.com/116948076340592829238/posts/6dDtKuEebNm
Thank you for considering this problem worthy of your time.
You may use COUNTIFS, the multi-range, multi-criterion alternative to COUNTIF: