Top "Stanford-nlp" questions

Questions on the open source natural language processing software from the Stanford University NLP Group, in Java, Python, and C, including Stanford CoreNLP, Stanza, and GloVe.

How can I extract address from raw text using NLTK in python?

I have this text '''Hi, Mr. Sam D. Richards lives here, 44 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 12345. Can you contact …

python nltk stanford-nlp street-address
Tools for text simplification (Java)

What is the best tool that can do text simplification using Java? Here is an example of text simplification: John, …

java nlp stanford-nlp gate
OpenNLP vs Stanford CoreNLP

I've been doing a little comparison of these two packages and am not sure which direction to go in. What …

java stanford-nlp opennlp
How to extract the noun phrases using Open nlp's chunking parser

I am newbie to Natural Language processing.I need to extract the noun phrases from the text.So far i …

java nlp stanford-nlp opennlp
Is there a set of adjective word list for positive or negative polarity

I am working on sentiment analysis. I thought if there is any available set of adjectives indicating positive/negative(like …

nlp stanford-nlp sentiment-analysis
Stanford Core NLP - understanding coreference resolution

I'm having some trouble understanding the changes made to the coref resolver in the last version of the Stanford NLP …

java nlp stanford-nlp
Stanford Parser tags

I just started using Stanford Parser but I do not understand the tags very well. This might be a stupid …

how to get a dependency tree with Stanford NLP parser

How can I get the dependency tree as Figure below. I can get the dependency relation as pure text, and …

Multi-term named entities in Stanford Named Entity Recognizer

I'm using the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer and it's working fine. This is …

nlp stanford-nlp named-entity-recognition
Clause Extraction using Stanford parser

I have a complex sentence and I need to separate it into main and dependent clause. For example for the …

nlp stanford-nlp