Standard deviation (represented by the symbol sigma, σ) shows how much variation or "dispersion" exists from the average (mean, or expected value).
I have looked at a set of data and decided it would be good to remove outliers, with an outlier …
r statistics standard-deviationI have data with discrete x-values, such as x = c(3,8,13,8,13,3,3,8,13,8,3,8,8,13,8,13,8,3,3,8,13,8,13,3,3) y = c(4,5,4,6,7,20,1,4,6,2,6,8,2,6,7,3,2,5,7,3,2,5,7,3,2); How can I generate a new dataset of …
r standard-deviationBellow is a stock daily returns matrix example (ret_matriz) IBOV PETR4 VALE5 ITUB4 BBDC4 PETR3 [1,] -0.040630825 -0.027795652 -0.052643733 -0.053488685 …
r matrix zoo standard-deviation rollapplyI am trying to calculate the standard deviation of a set of values in PowerBI and I am stuck. There …
powerbi dax standard-deviation frequency-distributionMy Postgres query calculates statistical aggregate from a bunch of sensor readings: SELECT to_char(ipstimestamp, 'YYYYMMDDHH24') As row_…
postgresql null statistics aggregate standard-deviationI have several data columns with 400 to 500 entries in each in a Calc spreadsheet. For each of these columns, I …
openoffice-calc mean standard-deviationI use numpy.polyfit to get a linear regression: coeffs = np.polyfit(x, y, 1). What is the best way to …
numpy linear-regression standard-deviationI wish to clarify upfront I am looking for a way to calculate Standard deviation using Streams (I have a …
java java-8 java-stream standard-deviationIs there some trick that would allow one to use bc (or some other standard utility) to return the standard …
bash variables standard-deviation