Top "Ssms" questions

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is a graphical tool for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server.

How to connect to a local database in SQL Server Management Studio?

I have downloaded the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2016 to recover a huge .bak file which is an old backup …

sql-server database ssms
How to get export output in "real" CSV format in SQL Server Management Studio?

I have a query that I am running in SQL Server Management Studio (connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database). I …

sql-server csv ssms
How can I view full SQL Job History?

In SQL Server Management Studio, when I "View History" for a SQL Job, I'm only shown the last 50 executions of …

sql-server ssms history sql-job sql-agent
How can I display the execution plan for a stored procedure?

I am able to view the Estimated Execution Plan (Management Studio 9.0) for a query without a problem but when it …

sql-server stored-procedures optimization ssms
SQL Server (localdb)\v11.0 explained

I'm following Code First to an Existing Database tutorial and noticed that it suggested to connect to (localdb)\v11.0 in …

sql-server ssms localdb
How can I check if an SQL result contains a newline character?

I have a varchar column that contains the string lol\ncats, however, in SQL Management Studio it shows up as …

sql sql-server ssms
SQL Server Management Studio Skin / Appearance / Layout

Can you apply a custom skin / appearance to SSMS? I am thinking something along the lines of a dark theme (…

Decent simple SQL Server client

does anyone know of a very simple SQL Server client tool - that does the same basic functions as Management …

sql-server ssms
What's the difference between SQL Server Management Studio and the Express edition?

I'm using Express currently. What extra features do I get with the full edition?

sql-server ssms
An exception occurred while executing a transact-sql statement or batch

I keep getting the error message: an exception occurred while executing a transact-sql statement or batch when trying to do …

sql-server tsql ssms ssms-2016