Top "Ssm" questions

AWS Systems Manager (formerly Amazon EC2 Systems Manager) is a unified interface that allows you to easily centralize operational data and automate tasks across your AWS resources.

SSM send command to EC2 instance Failed

I'm trying to use boto3 to run ssh commands on EC2 instances. I read this guide:…

python amazon-web-services instances ssm
Retrieve AWS ssm parameter in bulk

How can I retrieve parameters from AWS Systems Manager (parameter store) in bulk (or more than one parameter) at a …

node.js amazon-web-services ssm
Wait until a condition is met in bash script

until [ $(aws ssm get-automation-execution --automation-execution-id "$id" --query 'AutomationExecution.AutomationExecutionStatus' --output text) = *"InProgress"* ]; do echo "Automation is running......" sleep 1m done …

bash shell aws-cli ssm aws-ssm
Accessing AWS SSM Parameters in NodeJS

I'm trying to get the ssm parameter inside my nodejs project, is IAM credentials I and wrote a test in …

node.js amazon-web-services ssm
Unable to fetch paramters (Param Value) from parameter store for this account

I get the error: $ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged-stack.yml --stack-name mystackname --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM` An error occurred (ValidationError) …

amazon-web-services amazon-cloudformation ssm