Solutions to 'convert' http traffic to https? Proxy? (relay)

Chad picture Chad · Nov 5, 2011 · Viewed 18.9k times · Source

Our app is all HTTPS, but we grab mjpeg streams from low-budget devices that do not support SSL.

So, this means that we can either: i. Mix content and have browsers freak out. (Unacceptable since we train users not to trust mixed content pages.) ii. Make the site non-https. (REALLY unacceptable.)

I was thinking that we could run a relay on one of our servers, for which the browsers could hit using SSL, this server would then act as a proxy to the non-SSL mjpeg streams.

We know the IPs of the cameras (static), so we can check that and guard against dns attacks. And you can't establish a TCP-IP connection if you're spoofing an IP (makes 3-way handshake impossible), so I don't see this as disingenuous.

What other solutions could be used to solve this?


agui picture agui · Jan 24, 2013

Even easier on Linux, with mod_proxy and mod_ssl Apache modules:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName xxx.yyy
        SSLProxyEngine On

        ProxyPass  /
