Heroku Automated Certificate Management failed with one domain

J0ANMM picture J0ANMM · Apr 5, 2018 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

I am trying to get the SSL certification for my app with Heroku, but the Automated Certificate Management is failing for one of both domain names.

I created the dyno before March 2017, so I had to run heroku certs:auto:enable as explained here.

Then, heroku domains returns:

Domain Name         DNS Record Type  DNS Target
───────────────     ───────────────  ─────────────────────────────
example.com         ALIAS or ANAME   example.com.herokudns.com
www.example.com     CNAME            www.example.com.herokudns.com

This seems to be in line with what heroku expects.

Anyway, heroku certs:auto returns:

Domain             Status
───────────────    ────────────
example.com        Failing
www.example.com    OK          

I admit that I am quite illiterate for settings concerning domains, DNS and so on. Therefore, this might be a very simple mistake from my side. However, I read the Heroku troubleshooting documentation and also similar questions in SO such as a this one or this one and still have no clue what is wrong.

The fact that www.example.com is OK but example.com is failing just confuses me even more. And unfortunately, I received a notification email with no failure reason.


I guess the problem is either on Heroku or where I bought the domain. That is Namecheap.com.

There, at the Domain tab I have:


REDIRECT DOMAIN   Source URL     Destination
                  example.com    http://www.example.com

And at the Advanced DNS tab:

Type                  Host    Value                               TTL
-------------         -----   -------------------------------     -------
CNAME Record          www     example.com.herokudns.com           Automatic
TXT Record            @       google-site-verification...         Automatic
URL Redirect Record   @       http://www.example.com/ Unmasked

What am I doing wrong?


The issue seems to be due to Namecheap. I found the following ticket on Heroku:


User is having trouble pointing their root domain (aka apex domain/naked domain) to their Heroku app, either with setting the right DNS records, or accessing it over HTTPS.


Root domains on Heroku require the use of "CNAME-like" records, often referred to as ALIAS or ANAME records.

Unfortunately, a number of popular DNS hosts such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, Bluehost, and others do not support these types of records. Instead they tend to offer the following:

  • A records

  • URL redirects / forwarding

There are caveats with both of these options...

Surprisingly, I did not find any place where all the steps were explained clearly. What I did so far is:

  1. Open an account with a DNS host that supports this. I took DNSimple. At the time of writing, prices start from 5€/month but there is a trial month for free.
  2. Transfering the domain costs 14€/year, so I just pointed the name servers at Namecheap to DNSimple and added the domain to DNSimple to create the DNS records.
  3. Then came the configuration on DNSimple. I followed the step 1 in the documentation to redirect HTTP to HTTPs; ignored the step 2, since Heroku's ACM had already done it; and for the step 3 the article Pointing the Domain Apex to Heroku was very helpful. I added manually an ALIAS record and I also added a CNAME record, like this:

    Type        Name                   Content
    ─────       ───────────────        ───────────────────────
    ALIAS       example.commyapp.com.herokudns.com
    CNAME       www.example.commyapp.com.herokudns.com

At the beginning nothing was working and the browser showed the following error:

This site can’t be reached

www.example.com’s server IP address could not be found.

Checking the troubleshotting documentation I saw that the only possibility was the Name server propagation delay, so I waited. It felt like a very long time, but it actually took less than one hour until the site got online again.

However, the SSL certification keeps failing more than 48 hours later...


J0ANMM picture J0ANMM · Apr 9, 2018

For future reference: after contacting Heroku support, they manually refreshed my certificate request and it was finally issued for my app...