So I have a terraform script that creates instances in Google Cloud Platform, I want to be able to have my terraform script also add my ssh key to the instances I create so that I can provision them through ssh. Here is my current terraform script.
provider "google" {
credentials = "${file("account.json")}"
project = "myProject"
region = "us-central1"
resource "google_compute_instance" "default" {
count = 3
name = "a-consul${count.index}"
machine_type = "n1-standard-1"
zone = "us-central1-a"
disk {
image = "ubuntu-1404-trusty-v20160627"
# Local SSD disk
disk {
type = "local-ssd"
scratch = true
network_interface {
network = "myNetwork"
access_config {}
What do I have to add to this to have my terraform script add my ssh key /Users/myUsername/.ssh/
I think something like this should work:
metadata = {
ssh-keys = "${var.gce_ssh_user}:${file(var.gce_ssh_pub_key_file)}"
} describes the metadata mechanism, and I found this example at