I have 2 app servers with a loadbalancer in front of them and 1 database server in my system. I'm provisioning them using Ansible. App servers has Nginx + Passenger and running for a Rails app. Will use capistrano for deployment but I have an issue about ssh keys. My git repo is in another server and I have to generate ssh public keys on appservers and add them to the Git server(To authorized_keys file). How can I do this in ansible playbook?
PS: I may have more than 2 app servers.
This does the trick for me, it collects the public ssh keys on the nodes and distributes it over all the nodes. This way they can communicate with each other.
- hosts: controllers
gather_facts: false
remote_user: root
- name: fetch all public ssh keys
shell: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
register: ssh_keys
- ssh
- name: check keys
debug: msg="{{ ssh_keys.stdout }}"
- ssh
- name: deploy keys on all servers
authorized_key: user=root key="{{ item[0] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ item[1] }}"
- "{{ ssh_keys.stdout }}"
- "{{groups['controllers']}}"
- ssh
Info: This is for the user root