FileZilla SFTP connection through intermediate SSH

Rik Schaaf picture Rik Schaaf · Jun 2, 2014 · Viewed 32.4k times · Source

I am using PuTTY to connect to an intermediate Linux based server. On that server I use ssh to connect to the (Linux based) server I try to target. On that server I want to run a program, but I have to send it to that inner server from my PC. A direct connection is not possible.

At the moment I use PSFTP to the intermediate server and PuTTY+sftp from the intermediate server to the inner server to send the file, but this takes a lot of work to do everytime.

Is there a way to use FileZilla to set up an SFTP connection to the inner server through the intermediate server?

So in stead of:

  • PSFTP: PC -> user@intermediate
  • PuTTY: PC -> user@intermediate
    • sftp: user@intermediate -> user@inner

I want:

  • FileZilla: PC -> intermediate -> user@inner


Martin Prikryl picture Martin Prikryl · Jun 2, 2014

You can setup an SSH tunnel (aka port forwarding) using PuTTY from the intermediate server to the target server and connect with FileZilla to the tunnel.

See details on port forwarding in PuTTY.

Or see a specific guide for setting up port forwarding to tunnel file transfer client (WinSCP particularly, though you can apply it to FileZilla easily).

Actually, WinSCP SFTP client has a (single step) tunneling functionality built in. So, with WinSCP, it is very easy to do what you ask for. See the Tunnel page of its Advanced Site Settings dialog.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)