Top "Squash" questions

Term used in version control systems that means combining several commits into one.

How does the new Docker --squash work

In Docker 1.13 the new --squash parameter was added. I'm now hoping to reduce the size of my images as well …

docker dockerfile squash
git rebase interactive: squash merge commits together

I wanted to have a simple solution to squash two merge commits together during an interactive rebase. My repository looks …

git merge interactive rebase squash
Git: How to rebase and squash commits from branch to master?

I'm trying to rebase and squash all my commits from current branch to master. Here is what I'm trying to …

git branch rebase squash
Git squash history after merge

I merged an upstream of a large project with my local git repo. Prior to the merge I had a …

git git-merge squash
What are the differences between `--squash` and `--no-ff --no-commit`?

Which one should one use to hide microcommits? Is the only difference between git merge --squash and git merge --no-ff …

git merge git-merge fast-forward squash
Any gui for git merge (w squash)?

My work flow: branch from master work in my branch, commit frequently (100+) when the job is done in my branch, …

git user-interface merge branch squash
Git squash all commits in branch without conflicting

A common development workflow for us is to checkout branch b, commit a bunch to it, then squash all those …

git rebase squash
How can I squash a range of git commits together given starting and ending SHA's

I have a branch with about 20 commits. The first SHA on the branch is bc3c488... The last SHA on …

git squash
Why can't I use git merge --squash with --no-ff?

I'm trying to use the git merge --squash with the --no-ff parameter, but git does not allow. Someone have any …

git git-merge squash
Merging a branch of a branch after first branch is squashed when merged to master

Here's a workflow that I commonly deal with at work. git checkout -b feature_branch # Do some development git add . …

git squash arcanist