Top "Sqlsrv" questions

The SQLSRV is a PHP extension which allows you to access Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Azure databases when running PHP on Windows or Linux.

Codeigniter MSSQL/SQLSRV Connection

I'm working on a web app that connects to a MSSQL database. I previously managed to connect to the database …

php sql-server codeigniter sqlsrv
sqlsrv array doesn't return all rows

I can't seem to figure out why sqlsrv_fetch_assoc only returns 1 row when there are 2 rows in the result …

php sql-server sqlsrv
Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() in xampp

When I tried to connect sqlsrv server in codeigniter, I got this error message. Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() …

php codeigniter sqlsrv
Calling stored procedure from PHP using PDO to MSSQL Server using INPUT Paramters

This does not work: $dbh = new PDO("dblib:host=xxxx;dbname=xxx", "xxxxx", "xxxxx"); $sth = $dbh->prepare("{exec wcweb_…

php sql-server pdo fetch sqlsrv
Microsoft sqlsrv extension for php 5.5.x

We are running php 5.3.27 on Windows, nts. We just failed a PCI scan due to a session fixation vulnerability in …

php sqlsrv
PHP SQL Server Couldn't connect

I want to ask you about how to connect to MSSQL Server 2005 using PHP? I got error like this : Connection …

php sql-server sqlsrv
Using PHP insert current date time in sql server via sqlsrv drivers

Till now I have tried $sql = "INSERT INTO table-name(col-name) values (cureent_timestamp)"; and have set the column data type …

php sql sql-server datetime sqlsrv
How to connect sql server with php using xampp?

I am trying to connect my SQL server with PHP using Xampp. I have already uploaded dll files in the …

php sql-server phpmyadmin xampp sqlsrv
Updating MSSQL table with PHP + sqlsrv

I'm trying to do the simplest thing... I have a form with 2 fields. I want to enter data in those …

php sql-server sqlsrv
Error 1 ERROR: `make' failed when installing sqlsrv

I'm trying to install sqlsrv by using the commands from this page. However, when running pecl install sqlsrv-4.2.0preview I …

php docker containers pecl sqlsrv