SQL*Plus is a command-line interface for the Oracle RDBMS product.
I'd like to suppress the output of such lines as the following ones old 9: AND FROMDAT <= TO_DATE('&…
sql variables sqlplusWhat is the Difference between SQL and SQL*Plus?
sql sqlplusAfter ever 10 lines, my column headers reappear in my Oracle output. Is there something about my code or some kind …
oracle sqlplusI have a KornShell (ksh) script that logins into SQL*Plus and executing a script. Within the shell script I …
shell error-handling scripting sqlplus kshI have installed sqlplus based on instruction given here sqlplus 'username/password@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=…
oracle sqlplusI am trying to connect to an oracle database using oracle sqlplus instant client using tnsnames.ora. But getting this …
osx-lion sqlplus tnsnames