Top "Sqlconnection" questions

Represents an open connection to a SQL Server database.

.net SqlConnection not being closed even when within a using { }

Please help! Background info I have a WPF application which accesses a SQL Server 2005 database. The database is running locally …

c# .net linq-to-sql sqlconnection
How secure the user name and password in the connection string?

when developing windows applications: How I secure the user name and password in the connection string? Organizations like banks, would …

c# database sqlconnection
Connect to SQL Server using powershell

I am using this powershell script below to connect to an instance of sql server. I am pretty sure that …

sql-server powershell sqlconnection
Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Decimal

Im importing a csv to my sql server table using the following code SqlCommand nonqueryCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand(); nonqueryCommand.CommandText = "INSERT …

c# .net sql-server-2008 sqlconnection sqlcommand
C# SQLConnection pooling

Can anyone brief me how to do Connection Pooling in ADO.Net, I do need to connect to 3 separate databases. 2 …

c# sql-server sqlconnection
Why call SqlClient.SqlDataReader Close() method anyway?

Is the SqlClient.SqlDataReader a .NET managed object or not? Why do we have to call the Close() method explicitly …

.net-3.5 sqlconnection
Connection using enlist=false does not close after being manually enlisted in distributed transaction

I have a distributed transaction context using ServiceDomain. Inside it, I open an SQL connection with connection string specifying Enlist=…

.net sql-server connection-string sqlconnection distributed-transactions
Connection pool with possible severed connections

I have multiple threads accessing the same database (with same connection string). Each thread: creates it's own SqlConnection instance using …

c# .net connection-pooling sqlconnection
Impersonation: ASP.Net MVC Controller Action vs. Web Forms

Is there a difference with impersonation between an ASP.Net MVC controller actions vs. an ASP.Net Web Form? Using … webforms impersonation sqlconnection
Is closing/disposing an SqlDataReader needed if you are already closing the SqlConnection?

I noticed This question, but my question is a bit more specific. Is there any advantage to using using (SqlConnection …

c# sql dispose sqldatareader sqlconnection