Top "Sqlclient" questions

Microsoft ADO.

What is wrong with this code. Why can't I use SqlConnection?

I am 100% newbie to SQl and wanted to make a ConsoleApp with the use of database. I read some about …

c# sql sqlclient
System.Data.EntityException: The underlying provider failed on Commit

Using Entity Framework, I received a number of the following exceptions last night in one of my applications: System.Data.…

.net sql-server entity-framework transactions sqlclient
SqlCommand() ExecuteNonQuery() truncates command text

I'm building a custom db deployment utility, I need to read text files containing sql scripts and execute them against …

c# sqlcommand sqlclient
Is it possible to pass a parameter that is DB.null and set a value in the database equal to that?

I'm pulling data from a database (1 record) and putting each value in a textbox or dropdownlist. Some of these values …

c# sql sqlclient
.Net Windows Service Throws EventType clr20r3 error

I have a .Net/c# 2.0 windows service. The entry point is wrapped in a try catch block that notifies me …

c# sql windows-services sqlclient
When should I be using Odbc, OleDb, SQLClient? What are the trade-offs

I am starting off with a SQLServer database. So it would seem that I should use System.Data.SqlClient namespace. …

.net database odbc oledb sqlclient
Set custom default CommandTimeout for all new Command Objects

The default CommandTimeout value is 30 seconds. You can manually change the value on an instance of the command object by …

.net sqlcommand sqlclient command-timeout
Could not load file or assembly error in .Net Standard 2.0 class library

I have a .NET Standard 2.0 class library project with installed Nuget package System.Data.SqlClient version 4.4.0 and a Windows Form .…

sqlclient .net-standard-2.0
SQLClient What error numbers are related to SQL Server Connection errors so I can retry

I get the following error with SQLClient, are there more error numbers than Error Number: -1, 53, 2? Error Number: -1, Level: 20, …

c# sql-server sqlclient