Top "Sqlalchemy" questions

SQLAlchemy is a Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

How to count rows with SELECT COUNT(*) with SQLAlchemy?

I'd like to know if it's possible to generate a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE statement in SQLAlchemy without explicitly asking …

python sql sqlalchemy
Connecting to SQL Server 2012 using sqlalchemy and pyodbc

I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server 2012 database using SQLAlchemy (with pyodbc) on Python 3.3 (Windows 7-64-bit). I am …

python sql-server sqlalchemy pyodbc
SQLAlchemy create_all() does not create tables

I'm trying to integrate PostgreSQL and SQLAlchemy but SQLAlchemy.create_all() is not creating any tables from my models. My …

python postgresql sqlalchemy
SQLAlchemy equivalent to SQL "LIKE" statement

A tags column has values like "apple banana orange" and "strawberry banana lemon". I want to find the SQLAlchemy equivalent …

python sqlalchemy
How do I get a raw, compiled SQL query from a SQLAlchemy expression?

I have a SQLAlchemy query object and want to get the text of the compiled SQL statement, with all its …

python sql mysql sqlalchemy
How to delete a table in SQLAlchemy?

I want to delete a table using SQLAlchemy. Since I am testing over and over again, I want to delete …

python sqlite sqlalchemy drop-table
unable to create autoincrementing primary key with flask-sqlalchemy

I want my model's primary key to be an autoincrementing integer. Here is how my model looks like class Region(…

python postgresql sqlalchemy flask flask-sqlalchemy
SQLAlchemy - Getting a list of tables

I couldn't find any information about this in the documentation, but how can I get a list of tables created …

python mysql sqlalchemy pyramid
sqlalchemy unique across multiple columns

Let's say that I have a class that represents locations. Locations "belong" to customers. Locations are identified by a unicode 10 …

python sqlalchemy
How to query database by id using SqlAlchemy?

I need to query a SQLAlchemy database by its id something similar to User.query.filter_by(username='peter') but …

python sql model sqlalchemy