SQL Server 2008 Change Data Capture, who made the change?

MrEdmundo picture MrEdmundo · May 15, 2009 · Viewed 14k times · Source

I asked a question on SOF a week or so ago about auditing SQL data changes. The usual stuff about using triggers came up, there was also the mention of CDC in SQL Server 2008.

I've been trying it out today and so far so good, the one thing I can't see it supports is keeping a track of who actually made the change. Who executed the statement?

I'm interested to know if anyone has used CDC for auditing and how you kept track of who made the change?


LostAtC picture LostAtC · Aug 20, 2010

I altered the CDC table directly using: ALTER TABLE cdc.dbo_MyTable_CT ADD UserName nvarchar(50) NULL DEFAULT(SUSER_SNAME())

BTW you don't need the date info since it's already in the start and end LSN fields.

My only problem is that my users login via a Windows Group which allows them modify rights, but the UserName field is always my username and not theirs. I haven't found a way around this problem.