SQL Query With Row_Number, order by and where clause

Bogdan M picture Bogdan M · May 7, 2009 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

I have the following SQL query:

     (select ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2, row_number() over (order by 2 DESC) NO from A_TABLE)
     NO between 0 and 100

What I am trying to do is to select the first 100 records of the query

select ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2 from ATABLE order by 2 DESC

And here are the problems:

  1. Apparently, the order by clause is not working. I've noticed that I have to add another order by 2 DESC clause, just after (...) from ATABLE, for my query to work. Is there something I do wrong? Or is it expected behaviour?

  2. How can I add a where clause? Let's say I need to select only the first 100 records of the table where COLUMN1 like '%value%'. I've tried adding the where clause after (...) from ATABLE but it produced an error...

Help? Thanks.

PS: I'm using Oracle 10g R2.


Edward Q. Bridges picture Edward Q. Bridges · May 7, 2009

rownum is a pseudo column that counts rows in the result set after the where clause has been applied.

Is this what you're trying to get?

    SELECT id, column1, column2
    FROM atable ORDER BY 2 DESC

Because it's a pseudo column that is strictly a counter of rows resulting from the where clause it will not allow you to do pagination (i.e. between 200 & 300).

This is probably what you're looking for:

 (SELECT a.*, rownum rnum FROM
     (SELECT id, column1, column2 FROM atable ORDER BY 2 DESC) a WHERE rownum <= 300)
WHERE rnum >= 200;