How do I get a count of associated rows in a left join in MySQL?

Cris McLaughlin picture Cris McLaughlin · Apr 30, 2009 · Viewed 14.2k times · Source

I have two tables, a vehicle table with columns:

  • id
  • stock
  • year
  • make
  • model

and an images table with columns:

  • id
  • vehicle_id
  • name
  • caption
  • default tinyint(1)

I am trying to list the vehicle's information, its default image, and a total count of images the vehicle has. Currently I am using the following SELECT statement:

SELECT, vehicle.stock, vehicle.year,
    vehicle.make, vehicle.model,,
FROM vehicle
LEFT JOIN images
ON = images.vehicle_id

I initially was using:

ON = images.vehicle_id AND images.default = 1

but then the images count would only be 1 or 0 depending if there was a default image in the database. I have tried using UNION and other SELECT statements but I am still unable to get a proper result. Do I need to use two SELECT statements or is there another way to handle it with JOIN or UNION?


chaos picture chaos · Apr 30, 2009
        SELECT COUNT(*) 
        FROM `images` 
        WHERE `vehicle_id` = `vehicle`.`id`
    ) AS `image_count`
FROM `vehicle`
LEFT JOIN `images`
ON `images`.`vehicle_id` = `vehicle`.`id`
WHERE `images`.`default`