Teradata - limiting the results using TOP

Aanand Natarajan picture Aanand Natarajan · Sep 5, 2011 · Viewed 12k times · Source

I am trying to fetch a huge set of records from Teradata using JDBC. And I need to break this set into parts for which I'm using "Top N" clause in select. But I dont know how to set the "Offset" like how we do in MySQL -

   SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10

so that next select statement would fetch me the records from (N+1)th position.


you cad sir - take that picture you cad sir - take that · Sep 5, 2011

RANK and QUALIFY I beleive are your friends here

for example

 SEL RANK(custID), custID 
 FROM mydatabase.tblcustomer
 QUALIFY RANK(custID) < 1000 AND RANK(custID) > 900

RANK(field) will (conceptually) retrieve all the rows of the resultset, order them by the ORDER BY field and assign an incrementing rank ID to them.

QUALIFY allows you to slice that by limiting the rows returned to the qualification expression, which now can legally view the RANKs.

To be clear, I am returning the 900-1000th rows in the query select all from cusotmers, NOT returning customers with IDs between 900 and 1000.