Dynamic Database Schema

Fake Jim picture Fake Jim · Sep 15, 2008 · Viewed 48.4k times · Source

What is a recommended architecture for providing storage for a dynamic logical database schema?

To clarify: Where a system is required to provide storage for a model whose schema may be extended or altered by its users once in production, what are some good technologies, database models or storage engines that will allow this?

A few possibilities to illustrate:

  • Creating/altering database objects via dynamically generated DML
  • Creating tables with large numbers of sparse physical columns and using only those required for the 'overlaid' logical schema
  • Creating a 'long, narrow' table that stores dynamic column values as rows that then need to be pivoted to create a 'short, wide' rowset containing all the values for a specific entity
  • Using a BigTable/SimpleDB PropertyBag type system

Any answers based on real world experience would be greatly appreciated


Matt Rogish picture Matt Rogish · Sep 16, 2008

What you are proposing is not new. Plenty of people have tried it... most have found that they chase "infinite" flexibility and instead end up with much, much less than that. It's the "roach motel" of database designs -- data goes in, but it's almost impossible to get it out. Try and conceptualize writing the code for ANY sort of constraint and you'll see what I mean.

The end result typically is a system that is MUCH more difficult to debug, maintain, and full of data consistency problems. This is not always the case, but more often than not, that is how it ends up. Mostly because the programmer(s) don't see this train wreck coming and fail to defensively code against it. Also, often ends up the case that the "infinite" flexibility really isn't that necessary; it's a very bad "smell" when the dev team gets a spec that says "Gosh I have no clue what sort of data they are going to put here, so let 'em put WHATEVER"... and the end users are just fine having pre-defined attribute types that they can use (code up a generic phone #, and let them create any # of them -- this is trivial in a nicely normalized system and maintains flexibility and integrity!)

If you have a very good development team and are intimately aware of the problems you'll have to overcome with this design, you can successfully code up a well designed, not terribly buggy system. Most of the time.

Why start out with the odds stacked so much against you, though?

Don't believe me? Google "One True Lookup Table" or "single table design". Some good results: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:10678084117056


