Are there any advantages of using SQL Passthrough facility along with SAS?
Although this question is overly broad, I can provide an overly broad answer.
The pass-through SQL in SAS allows you to communicate directly with a database. This becomes very advantageous when you are using database specific functions. An example would be Oracle's stats functions. You do not have to worry about how SAS will handle your coding or translate your SQL.
Additionally, it has also been a benefit to us that Pass-through SQL requires very little processing on the SAS side. If you have an extremely busy SAS box, you can opt to send the processing logic directly to the database. This is possible without using Pass-through SQL, but you have a higher degree of control when utilizing it.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of benefits, simply a few high level perks to using pass-through SQL. If you have a more concrete use case, we can discuss the specific differences in coding techniques.