rrd tool alternative for high volume

SorinV picture SorinV · Mar 3, 2009 · Viewed 12k times · Source

I am interested in knowing if there is any alternative to rrdtool for logging time series data. I am looking at something that can scale for a large number of devices to monitor.

From what I read on this subject, rrdtool is I/O bound when you hit it with large amounts of data. Since I envision this to scale to a very large number of devices to monitor, I am curious if there's any alternative that would not choke on I/O. Preferable SQL based, but not necessarily.



Leen Toelen picture Leen Toelen · Aug 25, 2011

There are some time series databases which have high availability and/or scalability as goals.

Maybe have a look at

  • rrdcached, a caching layer on top of rrd
  • whisper, the database engine behind graphite
  • opentsdb is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB) written on top of HBase
  • reconnoiter although its focus is more on monitoring