Cascading Soft Delete

Arthur Chaparyan picture Arthur Chaparyan · Feb 3, 2009 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

SQL has always had a great feature: cascading deletes. You plan it in advance and when it's time to delete something, BAM! No need to worry about all those dependent records.

However, nowadays it's almost taboo to actually DELETE anything. You flag it as deleted and stop showing it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a solid solution to doing this when there are dependent records. I've always manually coded the complicated web of soft deletes.

Is there a better solution out there that I have completely missed?


Konrad Kleine picture Konrad Kleine · Oct 29, 2018

I've come up with a solution to cascading soft-deletes recently using Postgres 9.6 that makes use of inheritance to partition entries into deleted and non-deleted ones. Here's a copy of the document that I'm writing for our project:

Cascading soft-deletes


In this document I describe our current approach to deal with deletion of objects in our Postgres database and I present the flaws of the current implementation. For example so far we don't have the ability to have cascading soft-deletes. Then I show a method that combines the strengths of Postgres' cascading hard-delete and an archiving approach that is easy to implement, maintain and that brings a performance boost in all search queries.

About soft-deletes in GORM

In the fabric8-services/fabric8-wit project which is written in Go we are using the an object oriented mapper for our database called GORM.

GORM offers a way to soft-delete database entries:

If model has DeletedAt field, it will get soft delete ability automatically! then it won’t be deleted from database permanently when call Delete, but only set field DeletedAt‘s value to current time.

Suppose you have a model definition, in other words a Go struct that looks like this:

// User is the Go model for a user entry in the database
type User struct {
    ID        int
    Name      string
DeletedAt *time.Time

And let's say you've loaded an existing user entry by its ID from the DB into an object u.

id := 123
u := User{}
db.Where("id=?", id).First(&u)

If you then go ahead and delete the object using GORM:


the DB entry will not be deleted using DELETE in SQL but the row will be updated and the deleted_at is set to the current time:

UPDATE users SET deleted_at="2018-10-12 11:24" WHERE id = 123;

Problems with soft-deletes in GORM - Inversion of dependency and no cascade

The above mentioned soft-delete is nice for archiving individual records but it can lead to very odd results for all records that depend on it. That is because soft-deletes by GORM don't cascade as a potential DELETE in SQL would do if a foreign key was modelled with ON DELETE CASCADE.

When you model a database you typcially design a table and then maybe another one that has a foreign key to the first one:

CREATE TABLE countries (
    name text PRIMARY KEY,
    deleted_at timestamp

    name text,
    country text REFERENCES countries(name) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    deleted_at timestamp

Here we've modeled a list of countries and cities that reference a particular country. When you DELETE a country record, all cities will be deleted as well. But since the table has a deleted_at column that is carried on in the Go struct for a country or city, the GORM mapper will only soft-delete the country and leave the belonging cities untouched.

Shifting responsibility from DB to user/developer

GORM thereby puts it in the hands of the developer to (soft-)delete all dependend cities. In other words, what previously was modeled as a relationship from cities to countries is now reversed as a relationship from countries to cities. That is because the user/developer is now responsible to (soft-)delete all cities belonging to a country when the country is deleted.


Wouldn't it be great if we can have soft-deletes and all the benefits of a ON DELETE CASCADE?

It turns out that we can have it without much effort. Let's focus on a single table for now, namely the countries table.

An archive table

Suppose for a second, that we can have another table called countries_archive that has the excact same structure as the countries table. Also suppose that all future schema migrations that are done to countries are applied to the countries_archive table. The only exception is that unique constraints and foreign keys will not be applied to countries_archive.

I guess, this already sounds too good to be true, right? Well, we can create such a table using what's called Inheritenance in Postgres:

CREATE TABLE countries_archive () INHERITS (countries);

The resulting countries_archive table will is meant to store all records where deleted_at IS NOT NULL.

Note, that in our Go code we would never directly use any _archive table. Instead we would query for the original table from which *_archive table inherits and Postgres then magically looks into the *_archive table automatically. A bit further below I explain why that is; it has to do with partitioning.

Moving entries to the archive table on (soft)-DELETE

Since the two tables, countries and countries_archive look exactly alike schemawise we can INSERT into the archive very easily using a trigger function when

  1. a DELETE happens on the countries table
  2. or when a soft-delete is happening by setting deleted_at to a not NULL value.

The trigger function looks like this:

    -- When a soft-delete happens...
        RETURN OLD;
    END IF;
    -- When a hard-DELETE or a cascaded delete happens
        -- Set the time when the deletion happens
        IF (OLD.deleted_at IS NULL) THEN
            OLD.deleted_at := now();
        END IF;
        EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT $1.*'
                    , TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME || '_archive')
        USING OLD;
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

To wire-up the function with a trigger we can write:

CREATE TRIGGER soft_delete_countries
        -- this is what is triggered by GORM
        UPDATE OF deleted_at 
        -- this is what is triggered by a cascaded DELETE or a direct hard-DELETE
        OR DELETE
    ON countries
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE archive_record();


Originally the inheritance functionality in postgres was developed to partition data. When you search your partitioned data using a specific column or condition, Postgres can find out which partition to search through and can thereby improve the performance of your query.

We can benefit from this performance improvement by only searching entities in existence, unless told otherwise. Entries in existence are those where deleted_at IS NULL holds true. (Notice, that GORM will automatically add an AND deleted_at IS NULL to every query if there's a DeletedAt in GORM's model struct.)

Let's see if Postgres already knows how to take advantage of our separation by running an EXPLAIN:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM countries WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;
| QUERY PLAN                                                              |
| Append  (cost=0.00..21.30 rows=7 width=44)                              |
|   ->  Seq Scan on countries  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=44)          |
|         Filter: (deleted_at IS NULL)                                    |
|   ->  Seq Scan on countries_archive  (cost=0.00..21.30 rows=6 width=44) |
|         Filter: (deleted_at IS NULL)                                    |

As we can see, Postgres still searches both tables, countries and countries_archive. Let's see what happens when we add a check constraint to the countries_archive table upon table creation:

CREATE TABLE countries_archive (
    CHECK (deleted_at IS NOT NULL)
) INHERITS (countries);

Now, Postgres knows that it can skip countries_archive when deleted_at is expected to be NULL:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM countries WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;
| QUERY PLAN                                                     |
| Append  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=44)                      |
|   ->  Seq Scan on countries  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=44) |
|         Filter: (deleted_at IS NULL)                           |

Notice the absence of the sequential scan of the countries_archive table in the aforementioned EXPLAIN.

Benefits and Risks


  1. We have regular cascaded deletes back and can let the DB figure out in which order to delete things.
  2. At the same time, we're archiving our data as well. Every soft-delete
  3. No Go code changes are required. We only have to setup a table and a trigger for each table that shall be archived.
  4. Whenever we figure that we don't want this behaviour with triggers and cascaded soft-delete anymore we can easily go back.
  5. All future schema migrations that are being made to the original table will be applied to the _archive version of that table as well. Except for constraints, which is good.


  1. Suppose you add a new table that references another existing table with a foreign key that has ON DELETE CASCADE. If the existing table uses the archive_record() function from above, your new table will receive hard DELETEs when something in the existing table is soft-deletes. This isn't a problem, if you use archive_record() for your new dependent table as well. But you just have to remember it.

Final thoughts

The approach presented here does not solve the problem of restoring individual rows. On the other hand, this approach doesn't make it harder or more complicated. It just remains unsolved.

In our application certain fields of a work item don't have a foreign key specified. A good example are the area IDs. That means when an area is DELETEd, an associated work item is not automatically DELETEd. There are two scenarios when an area is removed itself:

  1. A delete is directly requested from a user.
  2. A user requests to delete a space and then the area is removed due to its foreign key constraint on the space.

Notice that, in the first scenario the user's requests goes through the area controller code and then through the area repository code. We have a chance in any of those layers to modify all work items that would reference a non-existing area otherwise. In the second scenario everything related to the area happens and stays on the DB layer so we have no chance of moifying the work items. The good news is that we don't have to. Every work item references a space and will therefore be deleted anyways when the space goes away.

What applies to areas also applies to iterations, labels and board columns as well.

How to apply to our database?


  1. Create "*_archived" tables for all tables that inherit the original tables.
  2. Install a soft-delete trigger usinge the above archive_record() function.
  3. Move all entries where deleted_at IS NOT NULL to their respective _archive table by doing a hard DELETE which will trigger the archive_record() function.


Here is a fully working example in which we demonstrated a cascaded soft-delete over two tables, countries and capitals. We show how records are being archived independently of the method that was chosen for the delete.

CREATE TABLE countries (
    id int primary key,
    name text unique,
    deleted_at timestamp
CREATE TABLE countries_archive (
    CHECK ( deleted_at IS NOT NULL )
) INHERITS(countries);

CREATE TABLE capitals (
    id int primary key,
    name text,
    country_id int references countries(id) on delete cascade,
    deleted_at timestamp
CREATE TABLE capitals_archive (
    CHECK ( deleted_at IS NOT NULL )
) INHERITS(capitals);

        RETURN OLD;
    END IF;
        IF (OLD.deleted_at IS NULL) THEN
            OLD.deleted_at := now();
        END IF;
        EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT $1.*'
                    , TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME || '_archive')
        USING OLD;
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER soft_delete_countries
        UPDATE OF deleted_at 
        OR DELETE
    ON countries
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE archive_record();
CREATE TRIGGER soft_delete_capitals
        UPDATE OF deleted_at 
        OR DELETE
    ON capitals
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE archive_record();

INSERT INTO countries (id, name) VALUES (1, 'France');
INSERT INTO countries (id, name) VALUES (2, 'India');
INSERT INTO capitals VALUES (1, 'Paris', 1);
INSERT INTO capitals VALUES (2, 'Bengaluru', 2);

SELECT 'BEFORE countries' as "info", * FROM ONLY countries;
SELECT 'BEFORE countries_archive' as "info", * FROM countries_archive;
SELECT 'BEFORE capitals' as "info", * FROM ONLY capitals;
SELECT 'BEFORE capitals_archive' as "info", * FROM capitals_archive;

-- Delete one country via hard-DELETE and one via soft-delete
DELETE FROM countries WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE countries SET deleted_at = '2018-12-01' WHERE id = 2;

SELECT 'AFTER countries' as "info", * FROM ONLY countries;
SELECT 'AFTER countries_archive' as "info", * FROM countries_archive;
SELECT 'AFTER capitals' as "info", * FROM ONLY capitals;
SELECT 'AFTER capitals_archive' as "info", * FROM capitals_archive;