Compare two date columns in SQL Oracle

confusedbeginner picture confusedbeginner · Mar 18, 2017 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I have two columns which are both stored as 'MM/DD/YYYYY HH:MM:SS AM (or PM)'. I'm able to use 'TO_CHAR' to change it to 'MM/DD/YYYY' format, but after I get that, I only want the dates where both columns are not equal to each other (after the TO_CHAR). I used '!=' but this doesn't work and it still returns rows when both dates are equal to each other. I basically want the fields to ignore the times, and to only return the row if both dates are different.

Here was the query I was trying to run:

select r.project_name, to_char(r.created_on, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
       to_char(r.project_opened_on_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
from wh_project_repo r
where r.created_on != r.project_opened_on_date

Any help please?


Gordon Linoff picture Gordon Linoff · Mar 18, 2017

It does not make sense to store dates as a string. But you are doing that.

Because you have strings, there is no need to convert to dates. How about doing:

select r.project_name, to_char(r.created_on, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
       to_char(r.project_opened_on_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
from wh_project_repo r 
where substr(r.created_on, 10) <> substr(r.project_opened_on_date, 10)

The problem with your query, though, is that the manipulations are in the select. This does not affect what the where clause is comparing.


You could also compare the values as dates by doing:

where to_char(r.created_on, 'MM/DD/YYYY') <> to_char(r.project_opened_on_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY')

The issue isn't the string comparisons. The issue is that functions in the select don't affect the where.