In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you can right-click on a table, then go to Script Table as
, and then choose a destination for the generated script.
Is there anything similar in DataGrip, or can one be custom created in some way?
The reason I find this useful is because I often find that I'm working with a table with a lot of columns, and I want to select all but a few of them. So it's easier to just have it generate the SELECT statement with all the columns explicitly listed out, so that I can just go through and delete the ones I don't want.
Currently, my workaround in DataGrip is to right-click the table, then choose Copy DDL
. This generates the CREATE TABLE statement, which lists out all the columns, but it also includes the column definitions. So I have to do a regex replace or run a macro to get rid of the extra info, which is kind of a pain. Does anyone have a better solution?
In DataGrip as other intellij-based IDEs everything is about source editing. So that can be achieved that way:
, you'll get completion popup (if not, hit Ctrl+Space
here, which is live-template for select statement*
on asterisk and select Expand column list
I suggest you to look through