My requirement is write optional parameters to a function.Parameters are optional sometimes i will add or i will not pass parameters to function.Can anyone help me how to write function.
I am writing like
select *
from test
where field3 in ('value1','value2')
and ($1 is null or field1 = $1)
and ($2 is null or field2 = $2)
and ($3 is null or field3 = $3);
i am passing parameters to Query,But my output is not expected.when i pass all three parameters my output is correct,otherwise it is not expected output.
You can define optional parameters by supplying a default value.
create function foo(p_one integer default null,
p_two integer default 42,
p_three varchar default 'foo')
returns text
return format('p_one=%s, p_two=%s, p_three=%s', p_one, p_two, p_three);
language plpgsql;
You can "leave out" parameters from the end, so foo()
, foo(1)
or foo(1,2)
are valid. If you want to only supply a parameter that is not the first you have to use the syntax that specifies the parameter names.
select foo();
returns: p_one=, p_two=42, p_three=foo
select foo(1);
returns: p_one=1, p_two=42, p_three=foo
select foo(p_three => 'bar')
returns: p_one=, p_two=42, p_three=bar