What is the Scala type mapping for all Spark SQL DataType

aa8y picture aa8y · Oct 2, 2015 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

The different DataTypes available for Spark SQL can be found here. Can anyone please tell me what would be the corresponding Java/Scala data type for each of Spark SQL's DataTypes?


zero323 picture zero323 · Oct 2, 2015

Directly from the Spark SQL and DataFrame Guide:

Data type       |    Value type in Scala
ByteType        |    Byte   
ShortType       |    Short  
IntegerType     |    Int    
LongType        |    Long   
FloatType       |    Float  
DoubleType      |    Double     
DecimalType     |    java.math.BigDecimal
StringType      |    String
BinaryType      |    Array[Byte]
BooleanType     |    Boolean 
TimestampType   |    java.sql.Timestamp
DateType        |    java.sql.Date
ArrayType       |    scala.collection.Seq   
MapType         |    scala.collection.Map   
StructType      |    org.apache.spark.sql.Row