I'm trying to design a db to store the timetable for 300 different bus routes, Each route has a different number of stops and different times for Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I've represented the bus departure times for each route as follows, I'm not sure if i should have null values in the table, does this look ok?
route,Num,Day, t1, t2, t3, t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10
117, 1, Monday, 9:00, 9:30, 10:50, 12:00, 14:00 18:00 19:00 null null null
117, 2, Monday, 9:03, 9:33, 10:53, 12:03, 14:03 18:03 19:03 null null null
117, 3, Monday, 9:06, 9:36, 10:56, 12:06, 14:06 18:06 19:06 null null null
117, 4, Monday, 9:09, 9:39, 10:59, 12:09, 14:09 18:09 19:09 null null null
117, 20, Monday, 9:39, 10.09, 11:39, 12:39, 14:39 18:39 19:39 null null null
119, 1, Monday, 9:00, 9:30, 10:50, 12:00, 14:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00
119, 2, Monday, 9:03, 9:33, 10:53, 12:03, 14:03 18:03 19:03 20:03 21:03 22:03
119, 3, Monday, 9:06, 9:36, 10:56, 12:06, 14:06 18:06 19:06 20:06 21:06 22:06
119, 4, Monday, 9:09, 9:39, 10:59, 12:09, 14:09 18:09 19:09 20:09 21:09 22:09
119, 37, Monday, 9:49, 9:59, 11:59, 12:59, 14:59 18:59 19:59 20:59 21:59 22:59
139, 1, Sunday, 9:00, 9:30, 20:00 21:00 22:00 null null null null null
139, 2, Sunday, 9:03, 9:33, 20:03 21:03 22:03 null null null null null
139, 3, Sunday, 9:06, 9:36, 20:06 21:06 22:06 null null null null null
139, 4, Sunday, 9:09, 9:39, 20:09 21:09 22:09 null null null null null
139, 20, Sunday, 9:49, 9:59, 20:59 21:59 22:59 null null null null null
No, it does not look okay. Each Route/Day/Stop time value should be in a separate row:
Route, Day, Run #, Stop #, Time
117, Monday, 1, 1, 9:00
117, Monday, 1, 2, 9:30
117, Monday, 1, 3, 10:50
117, Monday, 1, 4, 12:00
. . . Finish Run #1 . . .
117, Monday, 2, 1, 9:03
117, Monday, 2, 2, 9:33
117, Monday, 2, 3, 10:53
117, Monday, 2, 4, 12:03
Ideally, you'll have a separate table with Route, Day, Run # in it and assign them to a unique RunID integer value, then use that value in place of the Route, Day, and Run # columns in the StopTimes table.
In general, when you have columns with index numbers at the end (Time1, Time2 or Phone1, Phone2) it's a hint your database is not designed according to the principles of normalization.
Of course, you'll convert the data into the format you suggested for publication.