I have to make a manual calculation of the next run date for a job, can you help me?
to get the next run date for a job you can use then sysschedules and sysjobschedules tables
check the next_run_date and next_runtime columns from the table sysjobschedules
next_run_date int Next date on which the job is scheduled to run. The date is formatted YYYYMMDD.
next_run_time int Time at which the job is scheduled to run. The time is formatted HHMMSS, and uses a 24-hour clock.
see this script
Select sched.*,jobsched.* FROM msdb.dbo.sysschedules AS sched
inner Join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules AS jobsched ON sched.schedule_id = jobsched.schedule_id
or you can use the msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobschedule stored procedure, to get the same info.
if you need calculate manually the next_run_date you must check the sysschedules table and see the freq_interval, freq_subday_type, freq_subday_interval, freq_relative_interval, freq_recurrence_factor, active_start_date, active_start_time columns to determine the formula.
check this link to see an example of use.