I have a date column in a format 12 May, 2014
I want to convert that into yyyymm/ 201405
i tried multiple options like
extract(year, sys_date)*100 + extract(month, sys_date))*100
cast(extract( year, sys_date), varchar(4)) + cast(extract( month, sys_date), varchar(2))
This one works but returns me in YYY,YMM
CAST(to_char(sys_date, 'YYYYMM'), INT )
For the above two, it gives an error:
An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpenResult' status='-28'
Can some one please guide. Thank you in advance.
I got what I was looking for. This is what I did:
translate(CAST(to_char(sys_date, 'YYYYMM'), varchar(6) ), ',' , ' ')
I am sure there would be a better way to get the result but for now I would use this SQL as it gives me what I want :)