I'm using SQL Server 2005.
I am migrating data over from a current database (single table) to a new database (normalized - many tables). In the new database, I have a base table (let's call it "BaseTable"), and multiple other tables (let's call them "DependentA"
, and "DependentB"
). Some of the data from the old database will go to BaseTable, and some will go to the other two. BaseTable has a one-to-one relationship with both DependentA and DependentB, using the Id of them as the foreign key.
So here's my question. How should I migrate the data over? Here is a query I've been trying, which is working except for one thing: the foreign keys in BaseTable for the other two are identical, instead or having a different one each.
Begin SQL:
DECLARE @dep1Id int
DECLARE @dep2Id int
INSERT INTO DependentA (column1, column2)
SELECT c1, c2
FROM OldDatabase.OldTable
SELECT @dep1Id = Scope_Identity()
INSERT INTO DependentB (column3, column4)
SELECT c3, c4
FROM OldDatabase.OldTable
SELECT @dep2Id = Scope_Identity()
INSERT INTO BaseTable (column5, dependentTable1Id, dependentTablr2Id)
SELECT c5, @dep1Id, @dep2Id
FROM OldDatabase.OldTable
The problem is that @dep1Id and @dep1Id are scalar and are retaining the last value only from the two set based inserts.
Since it's a one off you should probably do it as a cursor
SELECT c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 FROM OldDatebase
open @curs
fetch next from @curs into
@c1,@c2,@c3,@c4,@c5 --declare these!
while @@fetch_status <> 0
INSERT INTO DependentA (column1, column2) VALUES @c1, @c2
SELECT @dep1Id = Scope_Identity()
INSERT INTO DependentB (column3, column4) VALUES @c3, @c4
SELECT @dep2Id = Scope_Identity()
INSERT INTO BaseTable (column5, department1Id, department2Id) @c5, @dep1Id, @dep2Id
fetch next from @curs into
close @curs
deallocate @curs
My cursor syntax is probably riddled with errors, but you get the idea.