How to find schema name in Oracle ? when you are connected in sql session using read only user

Vipin picture Vipin · Mar 10, 2014 · Viewed 198.7k times · Source

I am connected to a oracle database with a read only user and i used service name while Setting up connection in sql developer hence i dont know SID ( schema ).

How can i find out schema name which i am connected to ?

I am looking for this because i want to generate ER diagram and in that process at one step it asks to select schema. When i tried to select my user name , i dint get any tables as i guess all tables are mapped with schema user.

Edit: I got my answer partially by the below sql Frank provided in comment , it gave me owner name which is schema in my case. But I am not sure if it is generic solution applicable for all cases.

select owner, table_name from all_tables.

Edit: I think above sql is correct solution in all cases because schema is owner of all db objects. So either i get schema or owner both are same. Earlier my understanding about schema was not correct and i gone through another question and found schema is also a user.

Frank/a_horse_with_no_name Put this in answer so that i can accept it.


Danilo Piazzalunga picture Danilo Piazzalunga · Mar 12, 2014

Call SYS_CONTEXT to get the current schema. From Ask Tom "How to get current schema:

select sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual;