Combine multiple rows into multiple columns dynamically in SQL Server

chabu picture chabu · Feb 11, 2014 · Viewed 72.1k times · Source

I have a large database table on which I need to perform the action below dynamically using Microsoft SQL Server.

From a result like this:

 badge   |   name   |   Job   |   KDA   |   Match 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 T996    |  Darrien |   AP    |   3.0   |   20
 T996    |  Darrien |   ADC   |   2.8   |   16
 T996    |  Darrien |   TOP   |   5.0   |   120

To a result like this using SQL:

badge   |   name   |  AP_KDA | AP_Match | ADC_KDA | ADC_Match | TOP_KDA | TOP_Match 
- - - - - - - - -
T996    |  Darrien |   3.0   |   20     |  2.8    |   16      |   5.0   |  120      

Even if there are 30 rows, it also will combine into a single row with 60 columns.

I am currently able to do it by hard coding (see the example below), but not dynamically.

Select badge,name,
 FROM table
 WHERE (h.badge = badge) AND ( = name) 
 AND (Job = 'AP')
 SELECT max(Match)
 FROM table
 WHERE (h.badge = badge) AND ( = name) 
 AND (Job = 'AP')
) AP_Match,
 FROM table
 WHERE (h.badge = badge) AND ( = name) 
 AND (Job = 'ADC')
 SELECT max(Match)
 FROM table
 WHERE (h.badge = badge) AND ( = name) 
 AND (Job = 'ADC')
) ADC_Match,
 FROM table
 WHERE (h.badge = badge) AND ( = name) 
 AND (Job = 'TOP')
 SELECT max(Match)
 FROM table
 WHERE (h.badge = badge) AND ( = name) 
 AND (Job = 'TOP')
) TOP_Match
from table h

I need an MSSQL statement that allows me to combine multiple rows into one row. The column 3 (Job) content will combine with the column 4 and 5 headers (KDA and Match) and become a new column.

So, if there are 6 distinct values for Job (say Job1 through Job6), then the result will have 12 columns, e.g.: Job1_KDA, Job1_Match, Job2_KDA, Job2_Match, etc., grouped by badge and name.

I need a statement that that can loop through the column 3 data so I don't need to hardcode (repeat the query for each possible Job value) or use a temp table.


Roman Pokrovskij picture Roman Pokrovskij · Feb 12, 2014

I would do it using dynamic sql, but this is (!6/a63a6/1/0) the PIVOT solution:

SELECT badge, name, [AP_KDa], [AP_Match], [ADC_KDA],[ADC_Match],[TOP_KDA],[TOP_Match] FROM
SELECT badge, name, col, val FROM(
 SELECT *, Job+'_KDA' as Col, KDA as Val FROM @T 
 SELECT *, Job+'_Match' as Col,Match as Val  FROM @T
) t
) tt
PIVOT ( max(val) for Col in ([AP_KDa], [AP_Match], [ADC_KDA],[ADC_Match],[TOP_KDA],[TOP_Match]) ) AS pvt

Bonus: This how PIVOT could be combined with dynamic SQL (!6/a63a6/7/0), again I would prefer to do it simpler, without PIVOT, but this is just good exercising for me :

SELECT badge, name, cast(Job+'_KDA' as nvarchar(128)) as Col, KDA as Val INTO #Temp1 FROM Temp 
INSERT INTO #Temp1 SELECT badge, name, Job+'_Match' as Col, Match as Val FROM Temp

DECLARE @columns nvarchar(max)
SELECT @columns = COALESCE(@columns + ', ', '') + Col FROM #Temp1 GROUP BY Col

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = 'SELECT badge, name, '+@columns+' FROM #Temp1 PIVOT ( max(val) for Col in ('+@columns+') ) AS pvt'
exec (@sql)