sql server : select rows who's sum matches a value

armen picture armen · Jan 9, 2014 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

here is table T :-

id  num
 1  50
 2  20
 3  90
 4  40
 5  10
 6  60
 7  30
 8  100
 9  70
10  80

and the following is a fictional sql

select *
from T
where sum(num) = '150'

the expected result is :-


id  num
 1  50
 8  100


id  num
 2  20
 7  30
 8  100


id  num
 4  40
 5  10
 8  100

the 'A' case is most preferred !

i know this case is related to combinations.

in real world - client gets items from a shop, and because of an agreement between him and the shop, he pay every Friday. the payment amount is not the exact total of items for example: he gets 5 books of 50 € ( = 250 € ), and on Friday he bring 150 €, so the first 3 books are perfect match - 3 * 50 = 150. i need to find the id's of those 3 books !

any help would be appreciated!


valex picture valex · Jan 9, 2014

You can use recursive query in MSSQL to solve this.

SQLFiddle demo

The first recursive query build a tree of items with cumulative sum <= 150. Second recursive query takes leafs with cumulative sum = 150 and output all such paths to its roots. Also in the final results ordered by ItemsCount so you will get preferred groups (with minimal items count) first.

( SELECT id,num,
         id as Grp,
         0 as parent,
         num as CSum,
         1 as cnt,
         CAST(id as Varchar(MAX)) as path
     from T where num<=150
  UNION all
  SELECT t.id,t.num,
         CTE.Grp as Grp, 
         CTE.id as parent,
         T.num+CTE.CSum as CSum,
         CTE.cnt+1 as cnt,
         CTE.path+','+CAST(t.id as Varchar(MAX)) as path
    from T 
  JOIN CTE on T.num+CTE.CSum<=150 
             and CTE.id<T.id 
(select CTE.id,CTE.num,CTE.grp, 
         CTE.path ,CTE.cnt as cnt,
    from CTE where CTE.CSum=150
  union all
  select CTE.id,CTE.num,CTE.grp,
   from CTE
   JOIN BACK_CTE on CTE.id=BACK_CTE.parent 
              and CTE.Grp=BACK_CTE.Grp
              and BACK_CTE.CSum-BACK_CTE.num=CTE.CSum
select id,NUM,path, cnt as ItemsCount   from BACK_CTE order by cnt,path,Id