I'm listing questions with this
SELECT q.qTitle, q.qDescription, q.qCreatedOn, u.uCode, u.uFullname, qcat.qcatTitle, q.qId, q.qStatus
FROM tblQuestion AS q INNER JOIN tblUser AS u
ON q.uId = u.uId INNER JOIN tblQuestionCategory AS qcat
ON q.qcatId = qcat.qcatId
WHERE (q.qStatus = 1)
ORDER BY q.qCreatedOn DESC
But there is a problem in my server,
Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'.
Invalid usage of the option NEXT in the FETCH statement.
How can I modify my query for sql server 2008?
One more question. How can I write a stored procedure for listing pages? Here is my full of code http://codepaste.net/gq5n6c
Answer: http://codepaste.net/jjrkqr
For people using Entity Framework, particulary database first, this error can occur if you develop with SQL 2012 but deploy to an earlier version.
The problem will occur if you use Take...Skip functionality, as SQL 2012 has a new syntax for this. See:
The fix is to edit your .edmx file and change the ProviderManifestToken value from 2012 to your database version, e.g. 2008.